about us
Our mission is to educate Mississipi's children about the importance of agriculture.
Agriculture is the most important industry in Mississippi. One out of every four jobs in our state depend on agriculture and, of course, everybody eats food and wears clothes. Mississippi Ag in the Classroom is a school-based program helping students in grades K-12 acquire broader knowledge about agriculture and how it affects their world. The program's objective is to encourage educators to teach more about our food and fiber system and the critical role of agriculture in our economy and society.
Teachers have the experience and abilities to help our children learn. The classroom is a logical place for them to teach the basic concepts that will improve students' understanding of agriculture and its role in their lives. The Mississippi Ag in the Classroom program can aid those teachers who are looking for new methods, materials and activities to improve their classroom instruction or make existing courses more interesting.
The following portal contains user friendly curriculum that has been aligned with Mississippi's 2018 College-and-Career Readiness Standards in Math, Science, and Social Studies as well as the National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes, and the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation's recognized commodities. These lessons include objectives created by incorporating Bloom's Taxonomy hierarchical ordering of cognitive thinking skills that can, among countless other uses, help teachers teach and students learn. To accompany these lessons, The Longhurst Murray Agricultural Literacy Instrument was used to validate the effectiveness of achieving literacy in agriculture by participating in these lessons. If you are interested in assessing your students agricultural literacy levels, please contact the School of Human Science at Mississippi State University.
These comprehensive lesson plans are formatted in the following order: Overview and Purpose, Educational Standards, National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes, Objectives, Materials Needed, Lesson set up, Vocabulary, General/Mississippi Ag Facts, Background Information for Teachers, Learning Procedures, and Concept Elaboration and Evaluation. The lesson format was designed and inspired by the National Agriculture in the Classroom lesson plans, as well as formatted for ease of use by educators.
This curriculum was developed by the Mississippi State University School of Human Science for the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation's Ag in the Classroom Program.